Students at Congleton Iengar Yoga Centre


Congleton Iyengar Yoga Centre


Louise: 07736 777752 Mark: 07990 792073

 National Iyengar Yoga Day January 19th 2019


Participants yoga dayOn Saturday 19th January 2019, The National Iyengar Yoga Day at the Congleton Iyengar Yoga Centre had over 35 people attending the event. We held a children’s class, 2 adult classes and a demonstration of Iyengar Yoga.


A wide range of people young and old with varying degrees of fitness and flexibility enjoyed the classes and experienced some of the benefits that Iyengar Yoga can bring. It was really great to see everyone trying and enjoying Iyengar Yoga especially the children. Louise Wallace and Julie Pieczarka taught the adult classes and Christina Niewola and Christine Andrew taught the children’s class.


This is the fourth year that Congleton Iyengar Yoga Centre has participated in National Iyengar Yoga Day which is a great opportunity for people of all ages and levels of fitness to come and try Iyengar Yoga for themselves.




Iyengar Yoga demonstartion teachers



uing chairs as props Iyengar yoga demonstration



uing chairs as props Iyengar yoga demonstration



uing chairs as props Iyengar yoga demonstration



uing chairs as props Iyengar yoga demonstration


Christina organised a demonstration of poses (asanas) by some of the teachers.


using chairs as props


using chairs as props

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